Kopycat Killers
Subarctic Monkeys
Foo Fighters GB
Terry Nash as Meat Loaf
U2 2
Miss Madonna
The Sound of Springsteen
Hometown Glory
Beyond Faith as George Michael
Live in Techni Colour as Coldplay
Afternoon People
Manchester Ska Foundation
JK as Robbie
Billie Eil-ish
Ariana Grande Tribute
Forever Jackson
Photo gallery
About the festival
Tributes on the Nash is a brand new festival which welcomes some of the best tribute acts from across the UK to Ashton-under-Lyne in Greater Manchester for three days of fan favourites and classic hits.
With a day dedicated the best indie acts, a day for journeying back through the ages and across genres, and a dedicated family day, the festival has something to offer all manner music fans, young and old.
Not sure what to take with you on your tour to the festival in order to have a good rest?